Latest Articles

The Sunday Missio Post, 3.15.15

A #TrulyHuman Counter-Culture: The Kingdom Effect on Human Sexuality

Downton Abbey and the #TrulyHuman Practice of Coming Alongside

A #TrulyHuman Realization: Raising a Racist Who Loves His Wife Well

VIDEO: A Fresh Encounter with Jesus – Greg Boyd

The Sunday Missio Post, 3.8.15

Primped: Letting Our Hair Down as Leadership

What Happened When I Stopped Being A Senior Pastor

How Does the Church Differ From America?

VIDEO: #TrulyHuman Plenary Speaker MaryKate Morse on Stewarding Leadership and Power

The Sunday Missio Post, 3.1.15

Becoming #TrulyHuman: I Tremble at the Thought of Belief

Becoming #TrulyHuman: Agape, Eros and Gender Confusion

A #TrulyHuman Perspective: Keeping the “Human” in Victim AND Perpetrator

The Sunday Missio Post, 2.22.15

Thinking, Feeling, and Doing: Three Kinds of Repentance for the #TrulyHuman Life

A #TrulyHuman Life is Still A Mortal One

Being #TrulyHuman Means Having Nothing to Prove, Nothing to Hide, and Nothing to Lose

Protest and Sacrament: How Space Produces Solidarity and New Identity

The Sunday Missio Post, 2.15.15

Fifty Shades of Confusing: Searching For a #TrulyHuman Perspective

A Free #TrulyHuman Download: Alan and Deb Hirsch, Cherith Fee-Nordling, Tory Baucum on Being Human

Being #TrulyHuman and the Making of Local Theology

The Sunday Morning Post, 2.8.15

Subhuman or #TrulyHuman? Finding Healing for the Sickness and Death of Sin

Becoming #TrulyHuman: Embodiment Is Not Enough (Part 2)

Middle East, the Church, and the #TrulyHuman Cost of Peacemaking: 7 Lessons

Reflecting With Bonhoeffer: Learning to Be #TrulyHuman from the Son of God

The Sunday Morning Post, 2.1.15

Left Behind, Failed Peace, and the Human Implications of (Bad) Theology

Becoming #TrulyHuman: Competing Global Anthropologies

A Brand New #TrulyHuman Conference Site – and Only a Few More Days of Early Bird Registration!

Exodus, Exile, and #TrulyHuman Resurrection: Living Beyond Tribalism and Individualism

The Sunday Morning Post, 1.25.15

The God Who Looks Like Us: A Liberating, Male-and-Female, #TrulyHuman Imago Dei

A #TrulyHuman Crisis: The Hidden Gnosticism Within Evangelical Christianity

#TrulyHuman Body Politics: Tortured Bodies, Black Bodies, and the Resurrected Body

Love and Hate According to Martin Luther King Jr.

The Sunday Morning Post, 1.18.15

Becoming Newly, #TrulyHuman: Embodiment is Not Enough (Part 1)

We Need a Resurrection Moment: A #TrulyHuman Reflection

On Being #TrulyHuman as an Earth-Heaven Hybrid Creature

The Baptism of the Lord and Learning to Live #TrulyHuman

To be Human is To Be Growing

The Sunday Morning Post, 1.11.15

A Story About Butternut Squash and Being Human

Protests and Sacraments

Why I’m NOT Quitting Facebook in 2015: A Response

A New Blog Conversation on Being #TrulyHuman…and a Call for Submissions!

The Sunday Morning Post, 1.4.15

The Missio Alliance Essential Reading List of 2014: Fifteen Books We Love!

#ChurchTrending: Why I’m Quitting Facebook in 2015

#ChurchTrending: Barriers to the Gospel and the Great Commandments

The Sunday Morning Post, 12.28.14

#ChurchTrending: The Fallacy of the Homogeneity Principle

#ChurchTrending: A New Narrative for Singleness

The Sunday Morning Post, 12.21.14

#ChurchTrending: The Church as Spiritual, Relief Agency, or Something Else?