The Latest


David Fitch

Not A “Franchise”: Steps to Seeding a Missional Community in the Neighborhood

David Fitch

The State of the Union and the State of the (American) Church: The Incarnational Witness to Peace

David Fitch

Emergent, Organic, Missional Church: Methinks We Worry Too Much

David Fitch

…until justice rolls down like waters: Contrasting Martin Luther King with pres. Obama

David Fitch

8 Things You Should Notice At a Missional Sunday Gathering

David Fitch

The Tactic of “Thank- you – but I would prefer not to”: On the Societal Pressures that Undercut Mission in America

David Fitch

Countdown to The Missional Learning Commons!: Bring Some Coffee!

David Fitch

Fifty Years of Church Planting: the Story as I See It…

David Fitch

Top Ten Posts 2009: Merry Christmas and a Look Back at This Blog

David Fitch

Why is the Emergent/Missional Church So White?: Soong-Chan Rah’s Next Evangelicalism and Why It Doesn’t Go Far Enough (in Exposing White Western Cultural Captivity)

David Fitch

Tim Keller’s “Country Parson”: The Small Dying Urban/Suburban Church Vs. The Small Country Church as a Training Ground For Mission

David Fitch

“You Must Admit You Are A Sinner!”: Why This Doesn’t Work in Post Christendom Evangelism

David Fitch

The Collateral Damage of Video-Venues: A Challenge To All Video Venue Multi-Site Church Leaders – DO A SURVEY!

David Fitch

ANNOUNCING 3rd Annual MISSIONAL LEARNINGS COMMONS: A Missional Non/Conference Jan 8-9 2010

David Fitch

Can Missional Be Multi-Site? 3 Characteristics of Missional Preaching

David Fitch


David Fitch

Bloggage I Can Sympathize With and More (i.e. With Commentary) #1

David Fitch

A Warning List For Those Who Would Join a Missional Church Gathering

David Fitch

“Ed and Me” Part 2, and 3 and Beyond

David Fitch

Bi-vocational – or – go on staff at a large church: Suddenly bi-vocational ministry doesn’t look so bad?

David Fitch

Missional Discipleship – The Struggles of Leading a People into the Concrete Everyday Missional Life

David Fitch

The Numbers Do Not Lie: Christendom is consolidating into the Mega Church

David Fitch

IF I JUST PREACH A GOOD SERMON- THEY WILL COME: Three Dying Myths (of Christendom) About Preaching

David Fitch

WTWNC: From Bridge to Onramp – On a Proposed Way to Teach People Missional Evangelism

Efrem Smith

All is Fair in Health and War?

David Fitch

Some Things on the Horizon

David Fitch

Missional Church Planting Laboratory: A Report

Efrem Smith

Truth, Justice, and Righteousness

David Fitch

Ordination and the Lord’s Table: PROVIDING SOME “SHAPE” FOR “THE THINGS TO COME”

David Fitch

The Seven Indispensable Virtues of a Missional Leader

Efrem Smith

Our President is an Angry Black Man

Efrem Smith

Im with Dr Gates and You Should Be Too

Efrem Smith

Biblical Social Economic Justice

David Fitch

I’m in Canada – for a week – relaxing.

Efrem Smith

CHIC A Movement in the Making

David Fitch

The Witness of the Church to the Gay/Lesbian Peoples – Miss California U S A and the Politics of Sexual Redemption

Efrem Smith

A Systems Approach to the Multicultural Church

David Fitch

Book Clubs For The Homeless – On The Relational Nature of God’s Justice

David Fitch

The Christendom Nostalgia – Leading us out of it by using the words of Billy Graham

Efrem Smith

Beloved Worship and the Arts

David Fitch

Missional Theology: Towards a Theology that Shapes a People for Mission – A new course offering at Northern

David Fitch


David Fitch

“The Gospel Coalition” and Post-Christendom: Will it be a Coalition or an Expedition? Some Reflections and Concerns

Efrem Smith

Family as Ministry

Efrem Smith

Marriage as Ministry (Part Two)

David Fitch

The Bad Habits of Christendom Evangelism – “The Romans Road,” The Four Spiritual Laws, Evangelism Explosion and the Bridge Illustration (WTWNC 3)

Efrem Smith

Marriage as Ministry (Part One)

Carolyn Custis James

The Great Debate

David Fitch

Should We Chase After Christians Who Come to Our Sunday Gathering When They Do Not Feel Welcome?: When They Will Not Come 2

David Fitch

J R Woodward’s “Good News” Series: Life After Easter in the Suburbs

Efrem Smith

The Post-Black, Post-White Church

David Fitch

“Let’s Take a Year and Just Do This Ourselves First”: Initiating Missional Change

David Fitch

A Mystagogy for the Missional Church

David Fitch

Skye Jethani’s “Divine Commodity”: The economic crisis as opportunity for “creative dislocation” in the church

David Fitch

Oscar Romero: Some Spiritual Formation for Church-Planters during Holy Week

David Fitch

Tony Jones Asks: Are Academic Theologians Useless?

David Fitch

Church Planting Assumptions of the Neo-Reformed: Some Observations for Testing

David Fitch

Church Planting in Post Christendom – Is There Such a Thing? Fuller’s D.Min Course

David Fitch

Things that Make You Go “Hmmmmmm”

David Fitch

WTWNC Instilling Missional Habits in a Congregation – As You Walk Among Your Community