Latest Articles

David Fitch

The Bad Habits of Christendom Evangelism – “The Romans Road,” The Four Spiritual Laws, Evangelism Explosion and the Bridge Illustration (WTWNC 3)

Efrem Smith

Marriage as Ministry (Part One)

Carolyn Custis James

The Great Debate

David Fitch

Should We Chase After Christians Who Come to Our Sunday Gathering When They Do Not Feel Welcome?: When They Will Not Come 2

David Fitch

J R Woodward’s “Good News” Series: Life After Easter in the Suburbs

Efrem Smith

The Post-Black, Post-White Church

David Fitch

“Let’s Take a Year and Just Do This Ourselves First”: Initiating Missional Change

David Fitch

A Mystagogy for the Missional Church

David Fitch

Skye Jethani’s “Divine Commodity”: The economic crisis as opportunity for “creative dislocation” in the church

David Fitch

Oscar Romero: Some Spiritual Formation for Church-Planters during Holy Week

David Fitch

Tony Jones Asks: Are Academic Theologians Useless?

David Fitch

Church Planting Assumptions of the Neo-Reformed: Some Observations for Testing

David Fitch

Church Planting in Post Christendom – Is There Such a Thing? Fuller’s D.Min Course

David Fitch

Things that Make You Go “Hmmmmmm”

David Fitch

WTWNC Instilling Missional Habits in a Congregation – As You Walk Among Your Community

David Fitch

Expository Preaching: How John MacArthur Leads to Bart Ehrman

David Fitch

The Missiology/Ecclesiology Question: One Last Time

David Fitch

Frank Viola/David Fitch on Missiology’s Relationship to Ecclesiology

David Fitch

Whoah, That Just Felt Like Christianity!

David Fitch

My Interview with Frank Viola

David Fitch

Stanley Hauerwas and the Evolving Church Conference 09

David Fitch

Reformed Missional versus Anabaptist Missional versus Pragmatic Missional

David Fitch

Why the Missional/Emerging Church is so Young and White

David Fitch

Missiology Precedes Ecclesiology: The Epistemological Problem

David Fitch

Ed and Me

David Fitch

Missional Tribe and the Missional Non/Conference: The Astonishing Power of Networking on the Web

David Fitch

Against Decaffeinated Belief: The Sunday Gathering as Missional

David Fitch

End of the Year Missional Linkage – And to All a Good Night

David Fitch

A Missional Non/Conference: Calling All Missional Leaders/Practicioners Together For Encouragement and Cooperative Learning

David Fitch


David Fitch

Church Planting in Post-Christendom – Fuller D.Min.

David Fitch

The Attractional/Missional Debate Won’t Stop: Three Take-Aways

David Fitch


David Fitch

The 3, the 12 and the 120

David Fitch

How Do Christians Grow and Mature?

David Fitch

Barack Obama and the Empire: Where Do We Go From Here?

David Fitch

Please Lord, Don’t Let Me Get Pragmatic: Spiritual Formation for Missional Leaders

David Fitch


David Fitch

To All Missional Artists Seeking to Incarnate (enculturate) the Gospel: Take a Look at Andy Crouch’s “Culture-Making”

David Fitch

The U.S. Is Broke: The End of Amero-Centric Global Missions and Other Questions?

David Fitch

On Not Forsaking Denominations: Can Established Traditions Birth Emerging Churches/Missional Communities?

David Fitch

The Idol Hath Fallen – the Financial Crisis and the Reshaping of the Landscape for Mission

David Fitch

“The Numbers Are Going Up But Something Doesn’t Feel Right”

David Fitch

Conversion a casualty of Missional Theology? My Recent CT Article

David Fitch

Can Evangelicalism and Capitalism (Not) Get Along? The Upcoming Ancient-Evangelical Future Conference

David Fitch

How “Not Voting” Could Help Subvert American Racism: A Response to Anthony Smith’s post on Emergent Village

David Fitch

A “Heads Up” on the Iraq War

David Fitch

When Liturgy Goes Bad: Constantinian Liturgy in a Post-Constantinian World

David Fitch

Prof. David Scholer Passes Into Glory

David Fitch

“When They Will Not Come” – Community: The anti-attractional process of beginning a church with community

David Fitch

Vacation and Books

David Fitch

When They Will Not Come

David Fitch

Ed Stetzer and Phillip Nation’s “Compelled By Love”: An Interview

David Fitch

“Guy Churches”: The Problem with Evangelical’s Obsession with Contextualization and the Alternative – Incarnation

David Fitch

“Not Voting” as an Act of Christian Discernment : Calling the Emerging Church Into a Different Kind of Faithfulness

David Fitch

The Middle In: The Unique Missional Opportunity

David Fitch

Missional Communities are to Mega-Churches as Monastic Orders were to Cathedrals

David Fitch

What is Missional? – Can a Mega Church Be Missional?

David Fitch

5 Reasons I would claim to leave the church

David Fitch

Why the Neo-Radical-Young and Restless-Reformed is Not the Way Forward