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Forgiveness is Free…But Repentance Comes With a Cost

“Pastor, Can’t We Just Preach The Gospel?”

“Neither White Nor Black”?: Paul’s Case Against Being Colorblind

A Prayer of Lament for These Troubled Times

A Pentecost Sunday to Ponder: The Church Finds its Breath to Lament, Grieve, Repent

A Word for the Exhausted

George Floyd, Empathy, and Making Room for the Fire

Terrible Truths for the Church to Face

Renewal in the Valley of the Pandemic
Vatreisha Nyemba
Sherene Joseph
Liliana Reza
Lamont Hartman
Emily Beth Hill
Cheryl You
Bethany Becker
Benjamin Park
Amber Hogan Jones
Amanda Hecht

Sherin Swift

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Miranda Zapor Cruz

Kris Beckert

Karina Kreminski

Ian McFadden

Eun Stawser

David Swanson

Seven Ways to Make a Difference—Without Leaving Your Home

Eight Black Church Leaders on Ahmaud Arbery Injustice

The Power of Holy Mischief in Times of Crisis

Rich Villodas

Natasha Sistrunk Robinson

MaryKate Morse

Mandy Smith

Lisa Rodriguez-Watson

Kyuboem Lee

Juliet Liu

Derek Vreeland

Dennis R. Edwards

Carolyn Custis James

Andrew Arndt

Navigating the Unknown: Adaptive Leadership in Highly Anxious Times

This Present Desert: God’s Invitation to Solitude and Slowness

Why Clarifying “the Gospel” Matters—Now More Than Ever

Emotional Health at Such a Time as This

Pastoring in a Pandemic: Real-Life Reflections

The Time Is Now for Breakthrough

Leaning into God’s Shelter

Ecclesiology in this Weird Time of Social Distancing

Understanding Holy Saturday in the Midst of a Pandemic

The Blessing of Sufficiency Through Self-Denial

How to Have a Maundy Thursday Liturgy at Home

The Malady of a Second-Rate Salvation

No Palms? A Liturgy of Houseplants for Palm Sunday

Our New Reality: Holy Week at Home

The Practice of Remembering our Death

Why Politics Matters…Even During a Pandemic

Embodying the Imagery of the Prophets