Strengthening the Soul of your Leadership in the Midst of Crisis




We’ve all heard these flight attendants’ instructions: “Should there be a change in cabin pressure, oxygen masks will drop from the ceiling. If you are traveling with a child, please put your own mask on first before helping the child with their mask.” 

The truth communicated here is that if we don’t make sure we are connected to the source of life and breath for ourselves, we won’t be much help to anyone else!

In this thoughtful conversation, Ruth Haley Barton will help us explore how a leader can be strengthened at the soul level, even in the midst of crisis, so we can continue to be a source of life for others.

In this conversation you will:

  • Gain helpful perspectives on spiritual leadership in the midst of the current crisis
  • Learn how to assess the state of your soul now and for the long haul
  • Explore spiritual practices that can keep us spirituality grounded even when everything around us is changing 

Ruth Haley Barton

Ruth has been a student, practitioner, and thought leader in the area of Christian spirituality and formation for over 20 years. When she founded the Transforming Center with a few like-minded souls in December of 2002 it was based purely on a shared desire to experience deeper levels of transformation in Christ’s presence so they could discern and do the will of God. What has happened since then surprises her every day! A seasoned spiritual director, teacher, and retreat leader, Ruth was trained at the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation and the Loyola University Chicago Institute for Pastoral Studies and holds a doctor of divinity from Northern Seminary. She has served on the pastoral staff of several churches and is the author of numerous books and resources on the spiritual life.

Also, here are some resources that Ruth wanted you to be aware of:

Podcast: Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership — Season 4

That the Works of God Might be Revealed

Spiritual Leadership And the Practice of Paying Attention

Transforming CenterTransforming Center
Season 4: Episode 1 | When Leaders Lose Their Souls – Transforming Center

It was 10 years ago that Strengthening the Soul of your Leadership was published by InterVarsity Press. Last year we launched this podcast by the same name, and this year to celebrate the 10th anniversary InterVarsity released an expanded edition with a group experience and an assessment tool (check it out). Ruth and Steve will…
Apr 4th, 2018

Transforming CenterTransforming Center
That the Works of God Might be Revealed through Covid-19

Ruth Haley Barton reflects on the question: What are the works of God waiting to be revealed in me and in each of us through this Covid-19 global crisis that is affecting each of us so intimately and personally?

Transforming CenterTransforming Center
Spiritual Leadership And the Practice of Paying Attention – Transforming Center

“Spiritual leadership springs forth in grace from our very desire for God’s presence. This does not take effort or striving. It takes courage, a kind of showing up, attentiveness.” –Gerald May It was a very humbling moment in my life as a person in ministry. I was on staff in a church where, like most…